Jamaican Guava Jam
As a youngster growing up grandma would make this treat near summer time in the country.
- 1 lb sugar
- 8 large guavas - approximately 1 1/2 lb
- a pinch of grated nutmeg
- 5 cups water
- Use a shredder to shred guava and place in a large wide pot as mixture tends to boil over
- Add all the water
- Boil for about 10 minutes (shredded guava boils quicker than diced guava)
- Allow mixture to cool completely
- Then using a large strainer, strain using hands to squeeze and rub along the strainer. This separate pulp and seeds but allows tiny particles of fruit to seep into the liquid
- Return strained mixture to pot and bring to a boil
- Add sugar and stir until dissolved
- Pay close attention to make sure mixture is not boiling over
- Jelly is ready when air bubbles are no longer on the top of mixture,
- Do NOT boil too much (about 30 minutes)
- Turn off flame and allow to partially cool
- Pour warm jelly into clean glass containers and allow to cool completely before covering.